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S'han trobat 183 ítems
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
15 febrer 2020 |
Sistema de gestió integral d’ un restaurant amb TPV i Pocket PC |
Casteyó Montero, Eduard
2018 |
Smart - Hort |
Serra Cardera, Oriol
15 novembre 2018 |
SMT techniques for planning problems |
Espasa Arxer, Joan
Survey of social search from the perspectives of the village paradigm and online social networks |
Trias Mansilla, Albert
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
Survey of social search from the perspectives of the village paradigm and online social networks |
Trias Mansilla, Albert
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
1 juny 2018 |
Survey of social search from the perspectives of the village paradigm and online social networks |
5 juny 2018 |
Survey of social search from the perspectives of the village paradigm and online social networks |
Trias Mansilla, Albert
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
2013 |
Survey of social search from the perspectives of the village paradigm and online social networks |
Trias Mansilla, Albert
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la